

  • Sinclair R, Wang M, Jawaid MZ, Longkumer T, Aaron J, Rossetti B, Wait E, McDonald K, Cox D, Heddleston J, Wilkop T, Drakakaki G. Four-dimensional quantitative analysis of cell plate development in Arabidopsis using lattice light sheet microscopy identifies robust transition points between growth phases. J Exp Bot. 2024 May 20;75(10):2829-2847.
  • Zhang S, Wang M, Chernikova A, Eagle S, Marie Bedell K, Nguyen K, Blanco-Ulate B, Judy Jernstedt J, Drakakaki G. (2023). Difference in Kernel Shape and Endocarp Anatomy Promote Dehiscence in Pistachio Endocarp Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science (2023). 148 5: 209-220. Cover page.
  • Allsman LA, Bellinger MA, Huang V, Duong M, Contreras A, Romero AN, Verboonen B, Sidhu S, Zhang X, Steinkraus H, Uyehara AN, Martinez SE, Sinclair RM, Soriano GS, Diep B, Byrd V D, Noriega A, Drakakaki G, Sylvester AW, Rasmussen CG (2023). Subcellular positioning during cell division and cell plate formation in maize. Front Plant Sci. 2023 Jul 7;14:1204889. eCollection 2023.
  • Sinclair R, Hsu G, Davis D, Chang M, Rosquete M, Iwasa JH, Drakakaki G ( 2022) Plant cytokinesis and the construction of new cell wall. FEBS Lett. 2022 Jun 13.  Cytokinesis animations
  • Ma Q, Chang M, Drakakaki G, Russinova E (2022). Selective chemical probes can untangle the complexity of the plant cell endomembrane system. Curr Opin Plant Biol. 2022.  May 11;68:102223.
  • Jawaid Z M, Sinclair R, Bulone V Cox D, and Drakakaki G (2022). A biophysical model for plant cell plate maturation based on the contribution of a spreading force Plant Physiol. Feb 4;188(2):795-806.
  • Zhang S, Quartararo A, Betz OK, Madahhosseini S, Heringer A, Le T, Shao Y, Caruso T,  Ferguson L, Jernstedt J, Wilkop T, Drakakaki G (2021). Root vacuolar sequestration and suberization are prominent responses of Pistacia spp. rootstocks to salinity stress. Plant Direct. May 19;5(5):e00315.
  • Shao Y, Cheng Y, Pang H, Chang M, He F, Wang M, Davis DJ, Zhang S, Betz O, Fleck C, Dai T, Madahhosseini S, Wilkop T, Jernstedt J, Drakakaki G (2021). Investigation of Salt Tolerance Mechanisms Across a Root Developmental Gradient in Almond Rootstocks. Front Plant Sci. Jan 5;11:595055.
  • Chang M and Drakakaki G (2021) How Does a Plant Cell Build a New Cell Wall When Dividing? Front. Young Minds. 9:570769.
  • Journal of Cell Science cover featuring cytokinetic callose

    Davis DJ, Wang M, Sørensen I, Rose JKC, Domozych DS, Drakakaki G. Callose deposition is essential for the completion of cytokinesis in the unicellular alga Penium margaritaceum. J Cell Sci. 2020 Oct 12;133(19):jcs249599.

  • Wilkop TE, Wang M, Heringer A, Zakharov F Krishnan K, Drakakaki G. NMR spectroscopy analysis reveals an altered metabolome homeostasis in Arabidopsis seedlings through a cytokinesis inhibitor. Submitted.
  • Rao X, Bartley L, Drakakaki G, Anderson CT (2020). Regulation of and by the Plant Cell Wall. Frontiers In Plant Science. 11, 513.
  • Dewa CS, Nieuwenhuijsen K, Holmes-Sullivan KJ, Singh AK, Drakakaki G (2020). Introducing plant biology graduate students to a culture of mental well-being. Plant Direct. Apr 5;4(4):e00211.
  • Ren G, Ruiz Rosquete M, Peralta AG, Pattathil S, Hahn MG, Wilkop T, Drakakaki G. (2020) Isolation and Glycomic Analysis of Trans-Golgi Network Vesicles in Plants. Methods Mol Biol. 2177:153-167.
  • Wilkop T, Pattathil S, Ren G, Davis DJ, Bao W, Duan D, Peralta AG, Domozych D, Hahn MG, Drakakaki G (2019). A hybrid approach enabling large scale glycome analysis of post-Golgi vesicles reveals a transport route for polysaccharides. Plant Cell. Mar;31(3):627-644. (Faculty of 1000 recommended).
  • Rosquete MR, Worden N, Ren G, Sinclair R, Pfleger S, Salemi M, Phinney B, Domozych D, Wilkop T, Drakakaki G. (2019). AtTRAPPC11/ROG2: a role for TRAPPs in maintenance of plant TGN/EE organization and function. Plant Cell. Aug;31(8):1879-1898.
  • Rosquete MR, Worden N, Drakakaki G. (2019). AtTRAPPC11 is involved in TRAPPIII mediated control of post-Golgi protein trafficking. Plant Signaling & Behavior. 14(12):1676631.
  • Rosquete MR, Drakakaki G (2018). Plant TGN in stress response: a compartmentalized overview. Current Opinion in Plant Biology. 46 (1-8).
  • Sinclair R, Rosquete MR and Drakakaki G. Post-Golgi trafficking and transport of cell wall components. Frontiers in Plant Science. Front Plant Sci. 2018 Dec 7;9:1784.
  • Wang M, Zhang L, Boo KH, Park E, Drakakaki G, Zakharov F (2019). PDC1, a pyruvate/α-ketoacid decarboxylase, is involved in acetaldehyde, propanal and pentanal biosynthesis in melon (Cucumis melo L.) fruit. Plant J. Apr;98(1):112-125.
  • Rosquete MR, Davis DJ, Drakakaki G. The Plant Trans-Golgi Network: Not Just a Matter of Distinction. Plant Physiol. 2018 Jan;176(1):187-198.
  • Smertenko A, Assaad F, Baluška F, Bezanilla M, Buschmann H, Drakakaki G, Hauser MT, Janson M, Mineyuki Y, Moore I, Müller S, Murata T, Otegui MS, Panteris E, Rasmussen C, Schmit AC, Šamaj J, Samuels L, Staehelin LA, Van Damme D, Wasteneys G, Žárský V (2017) Plant Cytokinesis: Terminology for structures and processes. Trends Cell Biol. (17)30145-9.
  • Davis D, Kang BH, Heringer AS, T.E. W, Drakakaki G (2016). Unconventional Protein Secretion in Plants. Methods Mol Biol. 2016;1459:47-63.jipb
  • Drakakaki G (2015). Polysaccharide deposition during cytokinesis: Challenges and future perspectives Plant Science. 236 177–184
  • Bjornson M, Song X, Dandekar A, Franz A, Drakakaki G, Dehesh K. (2015). A Chemical Genetic Screening Procedure for Arabidopsis thaliana Seedlings. Bio Protoc. Jul 5;5(13). pii: e1519.
  • Henry E, Fung N, Liu J, Drakakaki G, Coaker G (2015). Beyond glycolysis: GAPDHs are multi-functional enzymes involved in regulation of ROS, autophagy, and plant immune responses. PLoS Genet. Apr 28;11(4):e1005199. doi: 10.1371/journal.pgen.1005199.
  • Hinman SS, Ruiz CJ, Drakakaki G, Wilkop TE, Cheng Q. (2015) On-Demand Formation of Supported Lipid Membrane Arrays by Trehalose-Assisted Vesicle Delivery for SPR Imaging. ACS Appl Mater Interfaces. Aug 12;7(31):17122-30. doi: 10.1021/acsami.5b03809.
  • Davis DJ, McDowell SC, Park E, Hicks G, Wilkop TE, Drakakaki G (2016). The RAB GTPase RABA1e localizes to the cell plate and shows distinct subcellular behavior from RABA2a under Endosidin 7 treatment. Plant Signal Behav. 11(3):e984520.
  • Davis D, Wilkop T.E. and Drakakaki G. The plant Golgi Plant Cells and Their Organelles (William V. Dashek and Gurbachan S. Miglani, eds)W Dashek (Ed.). In press.
  • Worden N, Wilkop TE, Esteve VE, Jeannotte R, Lathe R, Vernhettes S, Weimer B, Hicks G, Alonso J, Labavitch J, Persson S, Ehrhardt D, Drakakaki G (2015). CESA TRAFFICKING INHIBITOR inhibits cellulose deposition and interferes with the trafficking of cellulose synthase complexes and their associated proteins KORRIGAN1 and POM2/CELLULOSE SYNTHASE INTERACTIVE PROTEIN1. Plant Physiol.  Feb;167(2):381-93.
  • Worden N, Esteve VE, Domozych DS, Drakakaki G (2015). Using chemical genomics to study cell wall formation and cell growth in Arabidopsis thaliana and Penium margaritaceum. Methods Mol Biol. 2015;1242:23-39.
  • Park E, Diaz-Moreno S, Davis D, Wilkop TE, Bulone V, and Drakakaki G (2014). Endosidin 7 specifically arrests late cytokinesis and inhibits callose biosynthesis revealing distinct trafficking events during cell plate maturation. Plant Physiology. 165(3):1019-1034.
  • Park E and Drakakaki G (2014). Proteomics of endosomal compartments from plants. Case study: Isolation of trans-Golgi network vesicles. Methods Mol Biol. 1209:179-87
  • Bjornson M, Benn G, Song X, Comai L, Franz AK, Dandekar AM, Drakakaki G, Dehesh K. (2014) Distinct roles for mitogen-activated protein kinase signaling and CALMODULIN-BINDING TRANSCRIPTIONAL ACTIVATOR3 in regulating the peak time and amplitude of the plant general stress response. Plant Physiol. 2014 Oct;166(2):988-96.
  • Worden N, Girke T, Drakakaki G (2014). Plant chemical biology: endomembrane dissection using chemically-induced bioactive clusters. Methods Mol. Biol., 1056:159-68.
  • Drakakaki G and Dandekar A. (2013). Protein secretion: How many secretory routes does a plant cell have? Plant Science (203-204)74–78.
  • Parsons HT, Drakakaki G, Heazlewood JL (2013). Proteomic dissection of the Arabidopsis Golgi and trans-Golgi network. Front Plant Sci. Jan; 3:298.
  • Worden N, Park E, Drakakaki G (2012). Trans-Golgi network: an intersection of trafficking cell wall components. J Integr. Plant Biol. 54(11):875-86. (Cover page article)
  • Drakakaki G, van de Ven W, Pan S, Miao Y, Wang J, Keinath N, Weatherly B, Jiang L, Schumacher K, Hicks G, Raikhel N. (2012). Isolation and proteomic analysis of the SYP61 compartment reveal its role in exocytic trafficking in Arabidopsis. Cell Research. 22: 413-424. (F1000 recommended)
  • Drakakaki G, Robert S, Szatmari AM, Brown MQ, Nagawa S, Van Damme D, Leonard M, Yang Z, Girke T, Schmid SL, Russinova E, Friml J, Raikhel NV, Hicks GR. (2011) Clusters of bioactive compounds target dynamic endomembrane networks in vivo. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 108 (43):17850-5. (F1000 recommended)
  • Arcalis E, Stadlmann J, Marcel S, Drakakaki G, Winter V, Rodriguez J, Fischer R, Altmann F, Stoger E (2010). The changing fate of a secretory glycoprotein in developing maize endosperm. Plant Physiology. 153: 693-702.
  • Rosado A, Sohn EJ, Drakakaki G, Pan S, Swidergal A, Xiong Y, Kang BH, Bressan RA, Raikhel NV (2010). Auxin-mediated ribosomal biogenesis regulates vacuolar trafficking in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell 22: 143-158
  • Drakakaki G, Robert S and Hicks G (2009). Chemical dissection of endomembrane pathways. Plant Signaling & Behavior. 4(1):57-62.
  • Zabotina O, Malm E, Drakakaki G, Bulone V, and Raikhel, N (2008). Identification and preliminary characterization of a new chemical affecting glucosyltransferase activities involved in plant cell wall biosynthesis. Molecular Plant. 1(6):977-89. (Cover page article)
  • Zabotina O, van de Ven W, Freshour G, Drakakaki G, Cavalier D, Mouille G, Hahn M, Keegstra K, and Raikhel, N (2008). The Arabidopsis XT5 protein encodes a putative α-1,6-xylosyltransferase that is involved in xyloglucan biosynthesis. Plant Journal. Oct; 56(1):101-15.
  • Robert S, Chary N, Drakakaki G, Li S, Yang Z, Raikhel N, and Hicks G (2008). Endosidin1 defines a compartment involved in endocytosis of the brassinosteroid receptor BRI1 and the auxin transporters PIN2 and AUX1. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 105(24):8464-9.
  • Cocuron J-C, Lerouxel O, Drakakaki G, Alonso AP, Liepman AH, Keegstra K, Raikhel N, and Wilkerson CG (2007). A gene from the cellulose synthase-like C family encodes a beta-1,4 glucan synthase. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 15;104(20):8550-5.
  • Drakakaki G, Marcel M, Arcalis E, Altman F, Gonzalez-Melendi P, Fischer R, Christou P, and Stoger E (2006). The intracellular fate of recombinant phytase is tissue-dependent. Plant Physiology. 141: 578-586.
  • Drakakaki G, Zabotina O, Delgado I, Robert S, Keegstra K and Raikhel N (2006). Arabidopsis reversibly glycosylated polypeptides 1 and 2 are essential for pollen development. Plant Physiology 142: 1480-1492.
  • Drakakaki G, Marcel M, Glahn R, Lund L, Periagh S, Christou P, and Stoger E (2005). Endosperm specific co-expression of recombinant soybean ferritin and Aspergillus phytase in maize results in significant increases in the levels of bioavailable iron. Plant Molecular Biology. 59: 869-880.
  • Arcalis E, Marcel M, Altmann F, Kolarich D, Drakakaki G, Rainer Fischer R, Christou, P, and Stoger E (2004). Unexpected deposition patterns of recombinant proteins in post-ER compartments of wheat endosperm. Plant Physiology. 136: 3457-3466.
  • Tian GW*, Mohanty A*, Chary SN*, Li S*, Paap B*, Drakakaki G*, Kopec CD, Li J, Ehrhardt D, Jackson D, Rhee SY, Raikhel NV and Citovsky V (2004). High-throughput fluorescent tagging of full-length Arabidopsis gene products in planta. Plant Physiology. 135:25-38. *equal contribution (Cover page article)
  • Gounaris Y, Skoula A, Fournaraki C, Drakakaki G and Makris A (2002). Comparison of essential oils and genetic relationship of origanum x intercedens to its parental taxa in the island of Crete. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology. 30: 249-258.
  • Drakakaki G, Stoger E and Christou P (2000). Constitutive expression of soybean cDNA in transgenic wheat and rice results in increased iron levels in vegetative tissues but not in seeds. Transgenic Res. 9:445-452.

Book Chapters:

  • Parsons H, Ito J, Park E, Carroll A-W, Joshi H-J, Petzold C-J, Drakakaki G and. Heazlewood JL (2012). The current state of the Golgi proteomes. J.L. Heazlewood, C.J. Petzold (Eds.), Proteomic Applications in Biology, InTech, Rijeka, Croatia
  • Davis D, Wilkop T.E. and Drakakaki G. The plant Golgi Plant Cells and Their Organelles (William V. Dashek and Gurbachan S. Miglani, eds)W Dashek (Ed.). In press.